Frequently asked questions
In case you don’t succeed in collecting money enough to buy the bus – will you send the money back to donors?
If we don’t succeed in collecting sufficient sum of money to buy the bus, we’ll use the money towards the running costs of our hospice house in Malejovice. If you intend to support the purchase of the bus only, we can specify this in the contract of donation and then – if we fail to buy the bus – we’ll send you the money back.
Who is going to fix and maintain such an old rattle-trap?
First of all – it’s not a rattle-trap but a beautiful historical bus, a veteran, that can be well used for a good cause. Before the decision to buy the bus was made, we consulted several experts who are experienced in fixing and maintaing this type of machines, we even do have two such men in our team. Thanks to them, and thanks to contacts they have with various serviceshops and boneyards, we don’t feel disquieted as far as the bus maintenance is concerned. (One more remark – in the Czech Republic, there still are many lorries in operation which can serve as a reliable source of spare parts.)
Isn’t this just a crazy idea, wasting of money?
We don’t think so. It definitely is rather courageous – but still well-considered – plan. We have been pondering on buying the bus for over a year, we have been thoroughly discussing also potential risks associated with the intended purchase. We went in touch with people from the Czech club of historical buses to make sure that the price of the bus is adequate, and we also discovered that there still are many subjects (individuals as well as organizations) wishing to buy such bus (the Club even have a waiting list). If we, for some reason, find it impossible to keep the bus in future, we’ll be able to sell it quite easily. In such case, the money will be used to directly fund our Foundation’s work.
I like the idea but I can’t afford to buy the whole seat…
Take courage and try to involve your friends – several people can join to buy a seat. If you have no friends to address, never mind. We’ll be happy for any contribution.
If I buy a seat and if you buy the bus, will I have chance to borrow the bus from time to time?
If we succeed in buying the bus, it will be the property of the Klíček Foundation and our executive board will have to define exact rules for lending and renting – the bus, of course, is an expensive (and potentially dangerous) thing. But we do expect our contributors to have free access to all the rides we are going to organize and it will be our donors‘ prerogative to borrow the bus (with a driver) in compliance with the rules set. Ride in an RTO bus – that‘s a RIDE!
You plan to make trips to all parts of the Czech Republic – does this mean your Foundation is going to have to hire a driver for every journey?
Among our voluntary helpers, there are two professional drivers who promised their help. One of them is a (recently retired) bus driver who had been driving the RTO bus for 12 years during his professional career. In addition to this, Jiri, one of our employees, has received his bus licence last year, and can thus act as a back-up driver.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!