Klíček Foundation - introduction
Nadace Klíček (Klíček Foundation) was registered at the Local Council of Prague 8 on October 4th, 1991.
According to the new law on foundations (in action since 1998), it had to apply for a new registration as Nadační fond Klíček (Klíček Foundation). The new registration was done on 3rd October 2000 and Nadační fond Klíček is thereby recognised as full successor of the original Foundation.
IČO (national registration number): 45247234
Banking account: 21130111/0100, KB Praha Východ
Registration address: Nadační fond Klíček, Renoirova 654, 152 00 Praha 5
Contact address: Nadační fond Klíček, Malejovice 22, 285 04 Uhlířské Janovice
Phone & fax: +420-327 544 043
Mobile phone: +420-775 204 109
Skype: malejovice
E-mail: klicek@klicek.org
- Improve support, help and care for seriously sick children and their families both in hospital and at home.
- Help in bringing natural and nice "little" everyday things (once so common) back to the lives of seriously sick children.
- Encourage parents in caring for their sick child, empowering their role in hospital caring team.
- Help in introducing playwork and voluntary work into paediatric hospital wards.
- Set up a children’s hospice.
- Support responsible, thoughtful and considerate attitude towards one’s life and health, and also to other people and the environment.
- Help in establishing partnership relations between individuals and authorities (institutions).
- Encourage public discussion on vital issues of illness, dying and death; help in bridging the gap between the worlds of "healthy" and "sick" people.
Summer camps for children after a long hospital treatment (since 1992). Bereaved family members of children who died also participate
Co-organising of the 1st International Conference on Hospices and Other Forms of Care for the Seriously Sick and Dying People (1992, together with the Department of Health and the Medical Weekly)
Co-operation in making a documentary film "Not to Stay Alone" on the difference between English and Czech children's hospitals (1993, available at the video-library of the State Health Institute /Státní zdravotní ústav/ - also in English)
Translation of the "Charter of Rights of Children in Hospital" (backed by the "Committee for Ethics in Medicine" at the Department of Health)
Series of lectures for nurses and nursing school students on rights of hospitalised children, playwork, parents in hospital and hospital volunteers; publishing information materials on the topics
Setting-up and running a small self-help hostel for parents whose children are hospitalised at the Motol Teaching Hospital, Prague (open since summer 1993, more than 3.500 parents, grandparents and siblings of sick children have used it so far)
Translating and publishing of three major books by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross -"On Death and Dying", "Questions and Answers on Death and Dying" and "On Children and Death"
Purchasing folding beds and some other helpful equipment (electric kettles, ironing boards, etc.) for parents accompanying their children at selected paediatric wards all over the country - in co-operation with Olga Havel Foundation
Series of lectures on human rights for students at basic and secondary schools and vocational institutes in Prague - a part of the Czechoslovak Charter 77 Foundation's project (two printed materials published as the outcome)
Organising an introductory course for hospital volunteers and playworkers (1999)
Running a study programme for hospital play-specialists (in co-operation with the Nursing College, Plzeň and Faculty of Humanities at Charles University, Prague - the programme first started in October 2002)
Setting-up a children's hospice