to provoke thinking about freedom and rights
Why, in your opinion, does human society need written laws?
(In other words: what are the laws in writing actually good for, what's their purpose and function)
Have you ever experienced an injustice of any kind in your life?
- What do you have to do even if you don't want to?
- at home
- at school
- elsewhere
- What would you like to do if you were allowed to?
- at home
- at school
- elsewhere
- What do you do even if you are not allowed to?
- at home
- at school
- elsewhere
- What, in your opinion, people do wrongly today?
- What, in your opinion, are the greatest duties a man/woman should fulfill in his/her life?
(We mean such duties one feels to be associated with his being a human - duties that may be no part of any legislation.)
- Where and under what circumstances do you feel free (experience freedom)?
- What are you afraid of?
- Do you think people could live without committing crimes and without needing courts and punishments?
- If you think that people would be able to live so, try to specify the conditions under which this could be achieved.
- If you think people wouldn't be able to live so, try to write why.
- What is your personal idea of a successful life?
(By successful life we mean such a life one is satisfied with.)
- What, in your opinion, has changed in our country since November 1989?
(The questions need to be explained and commented on before students start to reply.)
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