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Children's Hospice
sipka Children in Hospital

Hostel for Parents

Charter of Rights

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Hospital Survey

Hospital Playwork

Summer Camps

Human Rights


Hospital Survey

Since June 1st, 1994, the Klíček Foundation has been continually surveying all the Czech (= Bohemian and Moravian) children's hospitals (and children's wards in general hospitals).

The aim of the survey is to discover where parents are invited to accompany their children (and under what conditions or limitations etc.) and where the parents are perceived more as intruders.

We have discovered that there are substantial differences between various hospitals - we found children's wards with unlimited visiting for parents as well as a hospital resembling military barracks, not a place where sick children were expected to regain their health. Similar differences could often be found even between hospitals in two neighbouring cities.

We plan to make the updated information available via internet in 2005, and also produce a printed version - a "Hospital Guide".


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